The answer is when it comes from the Government or the Mainstream Media!
All I hear or read about these days is crisis after crisis, First the Crisis in Iraq, then the Crisis of Leadership, then the Financial Crisis, then the Auto crisis, now the Health Care crisis (somewhere in there is the illegal alien crisis). I have a crisis of Understanding. What exactly constitutes a crisis these days?
Tackling these Crisis es (whatever the plural of Crisis is) one at a time, first the crisis in Iraq. As most of us realize now, the crisis was completely fabricated by the Bush/Cheney team. Hurts me to admit it, as a life long Republican, but that team was more disappointing than the Bush I team. Unlike a lot of Republicans I never voted for George W. I didn't like his dad and he seemed like a dumber version of his father. Since I did not like the Democrat he ran against (spelled Gore as in bloody mess he would make with his global warming solutions), for the first time in my voting life, I left the ballot blank for President. Does anybody really believe we belong in Iraq, or Afghanistan? Supposedly we had to fight them over there so we did not have to fight them over here. Did we have to fight them at all? Did we really have much to fear from a country that had buildings worth less than the bombs we dropped on them? Tighten the boarders, change our immigration policies to not allow people from "crazy" countries in, crisis solved. Had we kicked out the nut-jobs that pulled off 9/11 when we were supposed to, the World Trade Center would still be there! They were not even trying to hide, they counted on the sloppiness of our INS to allow them to stay long enough to pull it off, and they were right.
Crisis 2 the crisis of leadership in the Republican Party. That crisis solves itself. Stop voting for idiots and wait until they give us a quality candidate. Nature abhors a vacuum, so when the Repub's realize they haven't won with the knuckleheads they keep putting in front of us, the crisis will solve itself. The real problem is that anyone of quality would be afraid to put their whole life under the scrutiny you face when running for office. Lets face it, anyone my age who did not smoke a little weed, I wouldn't want to vote for anyway. I know lots of people who make great Senators and Congresspersons (did I really say that? wow political correctness even hit me) but open the closet even an inch and a hooker or mistress would could flying out, not to mention a youthful DUI or other such stupidity a kid is bound to commit. Lets stop watching (if not watching at least caring about) stupid indiscretions 20 years ago. Granted a Gary Hart deserves to go down (pun purely intentional!) because it shows bad judgment. Isn't that what we really need from our elected officials, good judgment?
Crisis Three The Financial Crisis. This one I think was real. I also think it was dealt with properly, with the exception of not specifying how the money could be spent. Those Bankers must have their pants specially made to hide the size of the balls you need to do that crap. (sorry for the imagery that creates but geesh giving bonuses to the idiots who created the my daughter says...not cool)
The Auto Crisis- see the Financial Crisis...nuff said
The Illegal Immigration crisis. States are taking care of this themselves. All over the country States are passing laws to severely punish employers who hire illegals and landlords who rent to illegals. Will this solve the crisis? Hmmm no job, no roof over your head, seems like home only safer with less violence and more food. I doubt it will fix the problem, many illegals are here to stay, but it will fix a lot of the financial problems it creates. Make a sweatshop more worried about hiring them than they are about profits and you will get higher wages for American Workers.
Here is the biggest Boondoggle of them all. The health care "Crisis" Is it really a crisis? OK France has better health care, that may be more due to lifestyle than health care. No self-respecting Frog would ever eat a "Royale with Cheese" (OK so I'm not so politically correct and shout out to Quentin Tarrantino for the Royale line ). I spent some time in France, they walk most places, they buy fresh local food every day, they are far thinner (every obese person I saw in Paris did not speak French) Give us Americans those habits and I bet we are number !. The other STRIKING fact is that 86% of us are happy with our health care choices! when did 14% become a crisis? True the health care burden hurts our industries in a global marketplace, but do we revamp a system that 86% of like because 14% think it sucks? We all agree health care needs "tweaking", frankly I long for the days before drug companies were allowed to advertise. There's an industry that need revamping. My kids think if you are unhappy about something you don't need to work it out or deal with it. They believe you need Abilify! If my kids were not guided by me they would believe they were ADHD, depressed with restless leg syndrome, and need something to keep them from having to pee all the time. The worst part is that sentence was not a joke!
Let's stop calling everything a Crisis. It cheapens and weakens our response to real Crisis es, like obesity, drug addiction, educational failure, and our crumbling infrastructure. Drive down any street in "the Yak" (Pontiac MI for those of you not in southeastern MI, and shout out to my friend Jordan who clued me in to "the Yak").and you will know what crumbling infrastructure is. Those are crisis es that need and deserve our real attention, not the media inflamed political talking points of today's fashionable problems
Once again, just one man's opinion
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
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